May 11, 2012


Gradual Graduates, digital (click to zoom)

Stepping In, pencil drawing, colored digitally (click to zoom)

Here are my two sketches for New Yorker covers for this week’s theme: Graduation.

The bottom one was my first idea based on a recent article I read where the latest jobs report numbers were favorable and some analysts attribute that to Baby Boomers beginning to retire and not necessarily because new jobs were created. So, here’s a recent graduate stepping into the retiree’s position.

The top idea came just as I was finishing the graduate/retiree drawing. I was thinking about a graduate and someway to convey invisibility. The fact is that the job outlook today is still pretty bleak. Sure, we will acknowledge our family and friends who are graduating by attending ceremonies and offering our congratulations. The job market today, on the other hand, can only perceive the graduating class as imperceptible.